Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Dr. Tesi of Hurst, Therapist Shot in his Garage by Colleyville Police

Dr. Tesi, OTR and PhD en transit to work in scrubs was followed beyond jurisdiction and shot by a policemen he had complained had harrased him The press implies he has terrorist connections however  this escalated from a contested seat belt violation and he was a respected clinician with no significant record of anything other than challenging a traffic violation per his minority status. Dr. Tesi is an intellectual to say the least, he graduated from one of the best OT programs in the world and earned a PhD as well. He was a successful therapist with patients and colleagues who love him dearly. If you examine the press and the focus on what he believed; the lack of evidence and the 3 altered variations of events reported by the lone policeman who pursued him into his garage, with no siren, with the cam turned off, with a witness contradicting him and with logistics that need to be repeatedly altered because they just dont add up. See the articles below including those charging intimidation and harassment of Dr Tesis attorneys. He is portrayed as a thug and yet this is a man who had never even taken a drag off of a regular cigarette, did not drink  and tolerated his patients very well. There are those who know Dr Tesi who know this is simply not a true account. There is much, much more to this story of this alleged terroristic seatbelt violator who would wllegedly run home to turn around and shoot from his garage. Read it and then consider persecution by hyperbolic belief v the "evidence" really word against word (Tesi and his witness v the lone angry officer) the officer wins...curious

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